• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 16, 2025

Overstock's Subsidiary Arm tZero Releases Android Version of the Crypto App

Overstock’s Security Token Platform tZero Releases Android Version of the Crypto App

Overstock’s tZERO Token Platform Officially Begins Live Trading

E-Commerce giant Overstock.com cryptocurrency subsidiary tZERO introduced live trading.

US Retail Giant Overstock to pay state taxes in Bitcoin

US Retail Giant Overstock will be the first major firm to pay some of its state taxes using Bitcoin.

Overstock's Medici Ventures Invests in a Blockchain Startup Focused on Wine Industry

The US-based retail giant Overstock.com's blockchain technology subsidiary Medici Ventures has announced the latest strategic investment in VinX, an Israel-based company developing a blockchain platform to streamline wine futures...

Overstock.com's Subsidiary Beta Launches Cryptocurrency Wallet and Exchange

The US-based retail giant Overstock.com's blockchain technology subsidiary Medici Ventures has announced that its portfolio company Bitsy has begun a limited beta launch of its cryptocurrency wallet and exchange. Bitsy through thi...

Overstock Believes Cryptos Are a Better Payment Mode Than Credit Cards

Overstock board member Jonathan Johnson has now commented that the company sees cryptocurrencies as a better payment option for merchants than credit cards.

Overstock.com Subsidiary tZero Reveals Demo of New Security Trading Platform

Overstock.com's subsidiary company tZero which focuses on cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology has recently launched a demo of their security trading platform. The final release is expected in May.