• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 14, 2025

5 Important Things to Know About Cryptocurrency Taxes

Tax season is officially here, and with that comes the annual challenge of rounding up all of your tax documents needed for reporting.

Brazil Citizens are supposed to Report on their Crypto Transactions with the Country's Tax Authority

Starting from August 1 Brazil Citizens required to submit a complete report of their crypto transactions with the country's tax authority, the Department of Federal Revenue (RFB)

IRS started sending 10,0000 Warning Letters to US Crypto Investors

The United States Internal Revenue Service started sending 10,0000 Warning Letters to US Crypto Investors

California CPAs want Clarity on the Cryptocurrency Holdings

California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA) is wanting clarity on Crypto Holdings from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Crypto Traders in Japan to Face Investigation due to Tax Avoidance

Tax Authorities in Japan state that Crypto Trades to Face Investigation due to Tax Avoidance

BitPay teams up with Refundo to allow Taxpayers to get Refunds in Bitcoin

BitPay teams up with Tax Service Provider Refundo to allow Taxpayers to get Refunds in Bitcoin