• Market Cap: $266b

  • Sep 19, 2024

Canadian Supreme Court Judge Rules In Favor Of Bank And Against QuadrigaCX

The Ontario Supreme Court stated - "[I'm] not in a position on this record to make any determination as to CIBC’s possible liability for doing so."

Reserve Bank of India vs Cryptocurrencies: A Complete Timeline

A complete timeline of events about the RBI vs Cryptocurrencies case: Right from 2013 to the Supreme Court verdict - Everything that you need to know!

Government of India’s Cryptocurrency Regulations Likely to be Revealed in September

The Government of India is expected to announce cryptocurrency regulations sometime in September, reports from local media indicate.

RBI v/s Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Indian Supreme Court Declares ‘Final Hearing’ on 11 September

The final hearing has been moved to 11th September because SEBI, as well as certain cryptocurrency exchanges, are yet to file their response to the petition.