• Market Cap: $266b

  • Sep 20, 2024

CIA's Alleged Use of Crypto AG Gets Them Tied Up In Swiss Criminal Lawsuit For Spying

Switzerland’s government has filed a complaint against the US CIA alleged involvement in tapping into foreign governments sensitive data using the Crypto AG platform, a hardware and software encryption manufacturer.

Bitcoin SV Doubles It’s Market Cap Amid Craig Wright’s Claims of Getting Keys From Bonded Courier

Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) headed by Craig Wright, the self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin has seen a massive price rally in the last couple of days, and the massive pump on 14th January saw the altcoin rise by more than 100% in...

Craig White Again Claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, Gets Blasted by Another Man Claiming the Same!

Craig Wright, in a new blog post, claimed yet again that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. Upon this, a new Satoshi emerged in the comments.

Bitcoin Could Have Died in 2010 - But Satoshi Nakamoto’s Hard Fork Saved It!

2010 was the year when the price of Bitcoin hit $0.1 for the first time. However, it was also the year Bitcoin could have died. 

Bitcoin @10: 10th Anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto Mining the Genesis Block

On the 3rd of January, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first ever block on the Bitcoin blockchain, popularly known as the ‘genesis block’.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s P2P Foundation Profile Resurges After Prolonged Inactivity

In an interesting turn of events, Nakamoto’s P2P Foundation Profile had a short burst of activity yesterday - posting a cryptic message and adding a new friend.

Crowdfunding Campaign #FindSatoshi Launched to Identify Satoshi Nakamoto

A crowdfunding campaign based on Russian website Boomstarter aims at raising $250,000 to identify Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoins.

Man Claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto to Author a Book on Bitcoins

An individual who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto has now announced that he’s writing a book on Bitcoins, as announced on a 'Nakamoto Family Foundation' website.

Does the CIA Know The Real Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto? 

The CIA has neither confirmed nor denied the fact that they know the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoins.

Pablo Escobar's Brother Claims He Met Satoshi Nakamoto, Launches DietBitcoin ICO

Pablo Escobar's brother Roberto Escobar has launched his own cryptocurrency Dietbitcoin. He also claims to have met Satoshi Nakamoto, a CIA agent.