• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 16, 2025

Latest Nvidia RTX 3060 Graphic Card Update 'Mistakenly' Allows Users to Mine Ethereum (ETH)

Users can mine ETH on the RTX 3060 graphic card using an online beta driver. The company plans to launch a line of GPU crypto mining cards at a later date

Nvidia Exits the Crypto-Mining Industry

One of the biggest reasons behind Nvidia’s exit from the crypto mining markets is the fact that it has realised that the user interest in this sector is declining.

Nvidia Q1 Profit Soars By 145% - $289 Million Generated from Cryptocurrency Mining

Nvidia recorded a revenue of $3.21 Billion in Q1 2018. Out of these $3.21 Billion, $289 Million came from sales to those involved in cryptocurrency mining.

AMD Worries That A Fall in Demand from Cryptocurrency Miners Could Impact Revenues

As per their Annual report issued in February, AMD worries that when the demand from the miners reduces, this would cause an adverse impact on their business.