• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 16, 2025

KuCoin Introduces Crypto Derivatives Trading Platform 'KuMEX' with 20x Leverage

IDG-backed Crypto Derivates Trading KuCoin introduces Crypto Derivatives Trading Platform 'KuMEX' with 20x Leverage

Bittrex, HitBTC and KuCoin Introduce New Crypto Trading Pairs

Best known exchanges of digital currency industry are up for additional support for different coins. They announced  on Twitter the inclusion of new trading pairs.

KuCoin Eyes Expansion: Invests $3 Million in Bitcoin Australia

Reports inform that a new joint venture has been formed with Bitcoin Australia, which would help KuCoin smoothly penetrate through the local Australian markets.

KuCoin Cryptocurrency Exchange Delists All Bitcoin Cash Trading Pairs

KuCoin Cryptocurrency Exchange has announced that they are going to de-list all Bitcoin Cash (BCH) trading pairs from their platform, as well as a number of other USDT, KCS and NEO pairs.