• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 16, 2025

Zambia SEC Alerts Investors About Investing in Promoted Onyxcoin Cryptocurrency

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia Alerts Investors About Investing in Promoted Onyxcoin Cryptocurrency

Gram Asia will sell Telegram Tokens at Three Times its ICO Price

Gram Asia to sell Telegram Cryptocurrency Tokens at Three Times its ICO Price

Velocity Ledger Technology unveils Testnet and Blockchain network API in Bermuda

Velocity Ledger Technology unveils Testnet and Blockchain network API for trading, issuing, and settlement of digital assets in Bermuda

Facebook Revises its Policy for Blockchain and Crypto-related Materials

Facebook Revises its Advertisement Policy for Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Financial Products and Services.

Real-Estate Giant That Owns World’s Tallest Building Burj Khalifa Plans an ICO

Emaar Group, the firm that developed and manages Burj Khalifa plans to launch an Initial Coin Offering for their Emaar Community Token soon! 

The Money Circle Platform, FundChain AZ Token Public Sale Starts From 1st March 2019

The most awaited AZ Token public sale is going to start from the upcoming 1st March. This sale will enable the prospective investors to take advantage of a transparent blockchain enabled ROCSA (Money Circle) and Crowdfunding offer...

First Major ICO on Bitcoin Cash Blockchain Raises $30 Million in 2 Hours!

The first major Bitcoin Cash blockchain based ICO, issued by mining pool ViaBTC for their ViaBTC Token (VIAT) managed to raise $30 Mn in just 2.2 hours

Venture Capital Investment in Blockchain and Crypto Companies Up 280% in 2018: Report

Traditional venture capital (VC) investment in the blockchain and crypto companies has grown by almost 280 percent to nearly US$ 3.9 billion, in the three quarters of 2018, as compared to last year. This is according to a report f...

Over $8 Billion Raised in ICOs in Second Quarter of 2018

ICOs in the second quarter of 2018 have managed to raise $8.3 Billion - surpassing Q1's total of $3.3 Billion by over 60%

John McAfee Launches Crypto Market Price Tracker and ICO Development Website

John McAfee has now launched two websites - McAfeeMarketCap (a market cap tracker) and McAfeeCryptoTeam (ICO development and technical assistance services).