• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 16, 2025

Bitfinex eliminates $10k Minimum Equity Requirement on Crypto Exchange

Bitfinex eliminates $10k Minimum Equity Requirement to trade on Exchange and has opened its platform for everyone

Bitmain’s Jihan Wu Considers Launching an IPO in Hong Kong

Jihan Wu is looking forward to taking Bitmain beyond the crypto markets - and considering to launch an IPO in Hong Kong that will take the company public!

China’s Bitcoin Mining Hardware Firm Canaan Creative To Launch $1 Bn IPO in Hong Kong

China’s second largest cryptocurrency mining hardware manufacturer Canaan Creative is all set to launch an IPO in Hong Kong. The company intends to raise $1 Bn.

Hong Kong Financial Watchdog Authority FSTB Says Cryptocurrencies Are Not a Threat 

Hong Kong's FSTB's report on ‘Money Laundering and Financial Risk Assessment’ has found that cryptocurrencies are not leading to a rise in these activities.

51% of Bitcoin Mining Company Diginex Acquired by Hong Kong-based Alcohol Company

Diginex Limited announced the sale of 51% stake in its cryptocurrency mining and high-performance computing operations for $60 million to Madison Group Holdings

Govt of Hong Kong Introduces Crash Course on Cryptocurrencies, ICOs

The Government of Hong Kong has now introduced a crash course on cryptocurrencies for their citizens so that they know all the benefits and risks of crypto trading.