• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 14, 2025

TokenInsight Research: Bitcoin Mining Related Products Will Dominate The Market in 2020

A recent report published TokenInsight talks about the popularity of the mining-focused financial product in 2019 and how the market is going to be dominated by these products in 2020.

Crypto Mining has enormously increased computing potential- Google Co-founder

Brin mentioned that Google witnessed a surge of their own processors by 200,000x (times) in just 20 years!

AMD Worries That A Fall in Demand from Cryptocurrency Miners Could Impact Revenues

As per their Annual report issued in February, AMD worries that when the demand from the miners reduces, this would cause an adverse impact on their business.

The Rise in Cryptocurrency Mining Is Hurting Our Chances of Finding Alien Life

GPUs are a critical component of radio-astronomers used by telescopes to crunch data! The rise of GPU-led cryptocurrency mining is hurting our chances of finding alien life forms!