• Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 15, 2025

IBM Becomes The Latest Name to Tap The Crypto-Custody Business!

IBM has teamed up with Shuttle Holdings, a New York-based investment firm and the crypto-custody trial will commence later in March.

Study: Japan Leads Asia in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Acceptance

The latest study on Blockchain Implementation in Asia revealed that Japan leads Asia in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Acceptance

Cryptocurrency Rewind 2018: The Ups and Downs of 2018

Cryptocurrency Rewind: A look at all that went well and all that didn't go so well for cryptocurrencies in 2018!

Cryptocurrency Exchange Using Western Union Could Be A Possibility

Western Union President hints at the possibility of incorporating cryptocurrency on their platform. The global demand, however, needs to be present for the move to be implemented.

Crypto Crime: Over a Billion Dollars Lost in 2018

Over a Billion dollars have been lost in 2018 to crypto-crime in the first three quarters of the year.

Then vs Now: How the Top 10 Cryptocurrencies Have Changed Over A Year

A look at how the top 10 cryptocurrencies have changed over a year between December 2017 and December 2018.

Cryptocurrencies will soon replace fiat - Shapeshift CEO

Erik Voorhees, CEO of ShapeShift, had a conversation with Naomi Brockwell, a crypto-adoring film/TV maker, in an interview on Bitcoin's 10th anniversary and the future of this incipient industry.

Major Universities Across the Globe Have Invested in Crypto Funds: Reports

A recent report from The Information reveals that names such as Harvard, Stanford and the MIT, among others, have invested in cryptocurrency funds.

RBI Claims Their Crypto-Circular Does Not Violate Constitutional Rights

The Reserve Bank of India has now claimed that their circular does not violate any constitutional rights and that the petition is baseless.

Fidelity Investments CEO Says Crypto Products Expected To Launch Before Year-End

Fidelity Investments, the fourth largest asset manager in the world, is all set to launch cryptocurrency-based products before the year comes to an end.