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CBDC News - CryptoGround
  • Market Cap: $266b

  • Mar 16, 2025

Chinese Digital Yuan Rolled Out In Another Test Pilot in Chengdu; $8 Million in DCEP

Chengdu is one of the two cities in China that will distribute digital yuan to its citizens, as the country continues to run series of tests for its central bank digital yuan.

Italian Banking Association Rolls Out Digital Euro Pilot; Testing For Technical Feasibility

The Italian Banking Association (ABI) will conduct digital euro tests to evaluate the technical feasibility of a blockchain-based digital currency.

Could The US $2T Stimulus Package Send Digital Dollars on Hyperledger's Ethereum-based eThaler

News headlines across the internet have been flooded with signs that a “digital dollars” may be coming soon. Seeing the US House of Representatives came up with a draft bill that addresses the authorization of a trillions of dolla...

BoJ Deputy Governor Says Japan Doesn’t Need A Digital Yen, Not Rushing to A CBDC

Developing countries like Cambodia could indeed benefit from central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) because their payment infrastructure isn’t matured yet. In the situation of advanced economies, he wanted to mention that the cos...

Not All Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Created Equal; Retail vs Wholesale CBDC's

Central bank-issued digital currencies (CBDCs) are a lesser-known, but no less emerging concept among central banks across the world.

Crypto and CBDC's Listed As Major Challenges Facing The Eurozone: ECB Lagarde

During the European Parliament plenary session held on Feb. 11, 2020, Christine Lagarde, European Central Bank President stated that virtual currencies are one of the major challenges affecting the Eurozone economy.

Federal Reserve Is Working Hard On A Digital Dollar, Libra Was A Game Changer

Appearing before the  U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, Jerome Powell, the reigning Chair of Federal Reserve Bank of the US, revealed that the central bank is working extra hard to launch a digital in the near future.

Central Bank of Russia released Policy Brief on Benefits and Drawbacks of CBDCs

Central Bank of Russia published potential Benefits and Drawbacks of CBDCs through a Policy Brief

Japanese ‘Megabanks’ Shut Down P2P Blockchain Money Remittance Pilot Program

A 3-member consortium of Japanese banks has decided not to proceed with the development of a blockchain-powered P2P money transfer services project.

India Says No to State-Backed Digital Currency

All plans regarding issuing of a state-backed central bank digital currency in India have been shelved, reports indicate.