• Market Cap: $266b

  • Oct 06, 2024

Cryptocurrency is a hidden, secure form of token that carries a monetary value. Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoins and various other similar terms that you hear, fall under the broad umbrella of Cryptocurrencies. Most of the cryptocurrency trades are recorded on a blockchain that forms a decentralized system. This is one of the reasons why it has become so popular in recent times.

Related Links: Cryptocurrency Beginner's Guide

The US GAO Recommends The IRS Update Its Virtual Currencies Taxation Guidelines

The U.S Government Accountability Office (GAO) gave its recommendations on how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can enhance the tax compliance on cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.

Crypto and CBDC's Listed As Major Challenges Facing The Eurozone: ECB Lagarde

During the European Parliament plenary session held on Feb. 11, 2020, Christine Lagarde, European Central Bank President stated that virtual currencies are one of the major challenges affecting the Eurozone economy.

ETH Developers Reveal Ethereum 2.0 ‘Phase 0’ Could Launch July 2020 In Reddit AMA

In a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) forum by the key development team on Ethereum answered pertinent questions on the development Ethereum 2.0 Senerity upgrade.

Aztec Protocol Launches Its Zk-SNARKs Based Privacy Network On The Ethereum Blockchain

On February 1, the Aztec protocol has launched officially on the Ethereum blockchain. It uses Zcash (ZEC)-based technology and has confidential tokens for cryptographically hidden amounts.

Singapore-Based Crypto Businesses and Exchanges to Fall Under New AML Rule

The regulatory framework for crypto businesses and exchanges in Singapore has been updated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Gold Bug Peter Schiff Loses Access To His Bitcoin Wallet, Rants About Bitcoin Being Unsafe

Peter Schiff, the famous Gold bug and a big-time Bitcoin naysayer was the talk of the crypto Twitter after he tweeted about freezing out of his Bitcoin Wallet.

Zuckerberg's Facebook Has No Mention Of Libra Project In 2030 Vision Plan

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently shared a post on social media about the company’s plans and vision for the coming decade which also talks about decentralizing business and finances of the company in the coming years.

Sources Say Brokerage Giant Charles Schwab Will Buy TD Ameritrade, Will Crypto Be Affected?

Charles Schwab could eventually buy TD Ameritrade. If this happens, there could be a dominant enterprise in the Wealth Management industry. Will this hurt or help Bitcoin?

Mastercard releases New Job Listings for upcoming Crypto Wallet Projects

Financial Giant Mastercard releases New Job Listings for upcoming Crypto Wallet Projects

Zambia SEC Alerts Investors About Investing in Promoted Onyxcoin Cryptocurrency

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia Alerts Investors About Investing in Promoted Onyxcoin Cryptocurrency