John McAfee Makes Bold Prediction for Bitcoin Price Hitting $1 Million

Feb 25 2019

John McAfee is among the most controversial names when it comes to the world of cryptocurrencies. Last year, while the crypto-winter thickened, McAfee has made some wild predictions regarding Bitcoin price in the past - but this time he appears to be more certain than ever before. John McAfee has now given us a ‘hard date’ as to when the price of Bitcoin will hit a million dollars: December 31st, 2020. 

McAfee’s comments come after Jesse Lund, the VP of Blockchain and Digital Currencies at IBM commented that some day, the price of Bitcoins would hit a million dollars. However, Lund did not have an exact timeframe regarding this prediction. Lund added that when this happens, it means that one Satoshi will be equal to one US Penny. 

If this happens, Lund added, it would change the global financial services landscape! Lund added: “I see Bitcoin at a million dollars someday. I have actually blogged about this a little bit.” However, while McAfee lauded the fact that Lund had said this about Bitcoins, he doubled down on Lund’s prediction and tweeted out a ‘hard date’ as to when this price would be attained - 31st December, 2020. McAfee’s tweet reads:

People are waking up to the fact that Bitcoin will be $1,000 000. But when? "Someday". "Maybe 5 years". "WIthin a decade". I'm the only one giving you a hard date: Dec 31st, 2020. …"will-be-1-million-someday-says-jesse-lund-vp-of-blokchain-at-ibm.html

McAfee Doubles Own Prediction

In July 2017, John McAfee had said that the price of Bitcoin would reach $500,000 in three years’ time. By tweeting that the price would hit 1,000,000 USD by 31st December. McAfee, who famously claims he never loses a bet, said that if the price did not hit $500,000 - he would eat his own penis on national television. A pretty bold prediction! 

McAfee has been involved in a number of crypto controversies in the past. He has been described as a ‘shill’ by many for promoting cryptocurrencies in exchange for money. Interestingly, John McAfee has also announced that he would be taking part in the Presidential race of 2020. Interestingly, McAfee disappeared and now claims to be ‘living in exile’ because of the IRS pursuing him for ‘unspecified crimes’. 

Last year, McAfee launched his own crypto-backed fiat currency. He then launched two websites: a crypto price tracker and a website for ICO development. In August, McAfee launched the BitFi wallet - which he claimed to be ‘unhackable’. However, several security loopholes were immediately discovered in the product.  

Stay tuned with us at Cryptoground for more news updates and stories from the world of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology. 
