HBUS cryptocurrency exchange started off with its operations in the US earlier this year in July. The HBUS platform is a ‘strategic ally’ of Huobi, one of the biggest names when it comes to cryptocurrency exchanges across the world. HBUS has now started off with a major cryptocurrency billboard campaign in the US - where it mocks the wall street and even Coinbase. 

This campaign comes with a tagline of ‘Evolved Crypto Trading’ and depicts the evolution of human beings from apes to the modern-day men. The campaign mocks Wall Street by labelling the ape as ‘Wall Street’ and mocks Coinbase by labelling the stage between the apes and the modern day man as ‘Coinbase’. The final stage of the evolution is marked as HBUS. 

Interestingly, these billboards are placed in downtown San Francisco, on 3rd Street outside Coinbase headquarters, between Mission Street and Market Street. HBUS wants to make it crystal clear that they want to pick up a fight with the biggest name in the US markets - Coinbase. This is a first-of-its-kind billboard campaign in the US as cryptocurrency billboard campaigns have been unheard of so far. 

Head of Communications for HBUS, Kevin Leu commented on this billboard campaign, saying: 

The inspiration for this campaign comes from Wall Street starting it all, but they move slowly, have barriers to entry, and don’t offer digital assets. We wanted to show that there’s a true digital asset revolution – and evolution – that gives people more options to access the ever-expanding ecosystem of digital currencies and the products and services that accept digital currencies.

Being the US partner of Huobi gives HBUS quite a starpower to start off with. Huobi, at the moment is the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, with a 24-hour trade volume of $483 Million. HBUS has traded over $400,000 worth of cryptocurrencies in the past 24 hours. 

In addition to having started off this campaign, HBUS has also taken another bold step forward: the company has announced that they will no longer charge a trading fee for the rest of 2018 - which is likely to attract a large number of cryptocurrency traders towards using the platform. While the HBUS website claims that this is being done keeping the holiday season in mind - it is apparent that the firm wants to ensure that they are able to attract users to their platform even at a time where the markets are performing their worst. 

HBUS CEO Frank Fu commented on the company’s move to remove trading fee till the end of the year, saying:

There’s no question that digital assets have taken its share of hits this year. We wanted to give crypto traders a break when it comes to the high fees they regularly have to pay when trading on other exchanges. It’s time American traders are given freedom and more options when it comes to what they want to buy when it comes to digital assets.

With their billboard campaign taking Coinbase heads on, right in their own backyard, it will be interesting to see if Coinbase reacts to this. It would also be worth noting if other similar campaigns pop up in the near future. Stay tuned with us at Cryptoground for more news updates and stories from the world of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology!